Should you carry your bag, push a cart, or ride in a cart?
The current issue of Golf Today NW includes an interesting article from Dr. Harry G. Sese answering the question should I ride, carry, or push.
Dr. Sese recommends that for anyone suffering from a health condition that doesn’t allow them to elevate their heart rate, but allows them to continue to play golf, riding a cart is the best option.
If you’re a rider, then you need to be sure your gear matches with a riding cart. By ensuring that you have a sturdy, yet lightweight cart bag, (like Sun Mountain’s C-130 best-selling golf cart bag) you’ll be allowing yourself the peace of mind to know that you won’t be struggling to get your bag to the cart or from the cart to the car after a long round of golf.
Dr. Sese continues by saying that if you’re relying on a round of golf for your exercise, riding is not the way to go. He recommends instead that you walk and carry your clubs or use a golf push cart. The push cart is considered by Dr. Sese to be safer than carrying your bag, for those with neck, shoulder, and back pains.
To help the walkers who want to use a push cart, Sun Mountains offers the Sync golf push cart bag. The Sync golf bag fits perfectly onto a push cart, with a top and bottom designed to nest perfectly in the upper and lower bag wraps of the Speed Cart V1 and Micro- Cart golf push carts, reducing side to side movement with a bottom that slides over the lower bag rest.
As for using a golf carry bag, Dr. Sese recommends that you start by using both shoulder straps, not only to help evenly distribute the weight across your body, but to also help keep your body in a more proper, upright, and straight position. He warns that while it may be a great workout to carry your bag over seven miles, it will put quite a bit of stress on your body.
In order to help make your carrying experience a safer, and more enjoyable one, Sun Mountain offers several of the best lightweight golf carry bags including the Three 5 and 2Five golf carry bags.
All Sun Mountain’s carry bags have dual-strap carry systems that are easy to get on and off, and well balanced for easier carrying.
When do you decide if walking, riding or carrying is best for you, know there’s a Sun Mountain product designed to help.